“Even today, in my role as the CEO of a global company, I still see myself as an engineer.”


Yangbin Wang, CEO, Chairman, and founder of Vobile, delivered an inspiring commencement address to the graduating class of 2024 at The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida.


Wang obtained his Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from UF in 1993. Later, he moved to Silicon Valley and founded Vobile. During his speech to the graduates, he explained how his UF education played a pivotal role in his journey and helped shape his worldview.


“Engineer" is not just a job title; it’s a mindset. Engineers are problem solvers. We use ingenuity to find pragmatic solutions. Often, these solutions are not perfect, but they are the best we can do, given the constraints at the time. However, engineers keep going and try to make the product better in the next iteration.”


Wang shared that making incremental improvements leads to success, not just in engineering but in life.


He reminded graduates, “Do not lose sight of your dreams. Never underestimate what you can accomplish over time. The sky's the limit.”


Wang reflected on his early engineering endeavors in digital video compression, highlighting the significant strides made in the technology since then. He recalled the challenges of compressing live TV and the innovative solution he and the team devised, which contributed to launching DirecTV. The evolution of technology is remarkable, he said, resulting in today's widespread availability of 4K HD video on smartphones and the emergence of 8K TVs.


“I could not have imagined any of these at the time of my graduation. The accelerated innovation in AI will enable applications that far exceed our wildest imaginations.”


Wang told graduates that they stand at the forefront of the greatest technological revolution in history as AI becomes ubiquitous. UF is the first AI University and a leader in AI research and education. As UF graduates, they are well-prepared to succeed in the new era.


He encouraged the graduates to maintain their connection with their alma mater and alumni, as the Gator Nation will provide an invaluable support system throughout their lives and careers.


“I have been fortunate enough to stay connected with UF after graduation and was allowed the opportunity to contribute to its growth. Vobile has established local operations in Gainesville, Florida. It enhances our collaboration with UF. This has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career.”

Wang concluded his speech with a heartfelt call to action, emphasizing the importance of empathy, compassion, and making a positive impact on the world. He urged the graduates to use their talent and passion to address the significant challenges facing the world, advocating for unity, collaboration, and peace.


“Whether you're working in a small startup or a global enterprise, in a tech lab or a boardroom, your actions have the power to impact lives in profound and meaningful ways. Let’s give more than we take and leave the world a better place than we found it.”



Before his commencement address, Yangbin was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award at the UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Spring 2024 bachelor’s recognition ceremony. Distinguished alumnus awards are presented to an alumna or alumnus of the University of Florida who has excelled in their chosen field and has performed outstanding service for the University.


Watch the award ceremony and commencement address here: